Monday, February 23, 2009

What I've Also Been Reading

A New Brand World: 8 Principles for Achieving Brand Leadership in the 21st Century
Bedbury, Scott with Stephen Fenichell
Viking, New York, 2002

This was recommended by a colleague. Each chapter highlights one of the principles with many examples from the author's professional life at some very high profile companies.

For the sake of brevity, I will share the three that left the greatest impression on me.

Chapter Two: Cracking Your Brand's Genetic Code
Bedbury suggests that a brand can be not just about the suite of products or services a company provides but also about the core values it represents. It is important that all members of the company understand what that is so better decisions are made regarding the features and alliances the company makes.

Chapter Four: Show Some Emotion
The author gives examples of customer's devotion to Harley Davidson and Starbucks, then decodes in detail the emotions at play for each of those brands. He lets the reader come to his or her own conclusion with a number of other brands and their key emotions. The key is that while customers may not remember exact words or actions in a campaign or an interaction, how they feel about a product or a brand is not so easily forgotten.

Chapter Seven: Branding and the Corporate Goliath
Bigger does not always mean "bad." Rather than "hide the elephant" by pretending a company is smaller than it is, the author suggests "teaching the elephant to dance," so it can use its power for good. Like donating time and resources to charities and programs related to its field.

If you are interested in reading more, you may purchase this online from a variety of locations or in person at your local bookseller.


Personally, I found this a very insightful book and keep it on my bookshelf within arms reach.

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