Saturday, May 8, 2010

Communication '10 Redux Part Three

Last Saturday, I attended my first Toastmasters convention. Yesterday and the day before I talked about the keynote speeches and the workshops. Today I would like to talk about the contests.

Why contests?

Toastmasters International states contests provide an opportunity for speakers to improve their
speaking abilities and to recognize the best as encouragement to all. Contests also provide an opportunity to learn by observing the more proficient speakers who have benefited from their Toastmasters training

Winners from each club contest proceed to an area contest. Each area has about 5 clubs. Winners from each area contest proceed to a division contest. Each division has about 4 areas.
Winners from each division contest proceed to a district contest. Our district has 9 divisions.

The Evaluation Contest

The model speaker was Sandra Kolb who explained how to maintain a professional attitude at work. Then 8 different people evaluated her speech giving her wonderful feedback on how to improve her already spectacular speech. The judges judged (evaluated) the evaluators based on their analytical quality, recommendations, techniques and summation.

First place was Cleon Cox.
Second place was Carol Van Atta.
Third place was Jamie Ross.

The International Speech Contest

There were nine different contestants one from each of the nine divisions in District 7. The judges were looking at their speech development, effectiveness, speech value, body language, manner, appropriateness, grammar, word selection, etc.

First place was Jason Leon.
Second place was John Contreras.
Third place was Brett Madsen.

The winner continues to the semi finals which will be held at the International Convention in Palm Springs. If he wins, he will compete in the finals on the last day of the convention.

In Summation
I had a great time. I learned some new things, took in many different inspirational, awe inspiring speeches, met new people and reconnected with old friends. I look forward to the next district convention, which will be in the fall. I think it is called Leadership '10

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